Why Disability Services Are a Great Option

Practical Tips for Managing Your NDIS Plan

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an essential government-backed program that provides financial support, equipment, and services to people with a disability. In essence, the NDIS scheme is designed to help Australians with a disability lead an active and productive life. However, managing an NDIS plan can be challenging and overwhelming, especially for first-timers. Whether you are just starting or have been operating under the scheme, there are several practical tips you can employ to manage your NDIS plan effectively. Read More 

Embarking on an Inclusive Journey: Disability Activities That Everyone Can Enjoy

Disability should never hinder one's fun and entertainment. Engaging in activities presents a wonderful chance to acquire knowledge, foster social connections and experience boundless enjoyment. There are plenty of disability-friendly activities that everyone can enjoy. In this post, you will explore some of the most exciting and inclusive disability activities that you should definitely try. 1. Adaptive Sports Adaptive sports are games that are specifically modified to cater to athletes with special needs. Read More 

Telehealth Children’s Continence Assessment: What You Need to Know

Telehealth has been used to assess patients without them needing to visit the hospital or health centre. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this form of assessment has become a necessity for many healthcare services. If you are preparing for a telehealth children's continence assessment, you may be wondering what to expect. Scroll down to find out more. Understanding the Purpose of the Assessment Before you prepare for a telehealth children's continence assessment, it's important to understand what it is and why it's necessary. Read More 

The difference between ‘supported’ and ‘independent’ living

There are a great many different kinds of supported living communities across the country, and with a little research, most people can find one that's a perfect fit for them. If you're on the hunt for the ideal specialised disability assistance accommodation for your situation, you've probably come across a few ways of describing these places—but what do those terms mean, and is there a difference between them? Supported Living  Read More 

3 Ways Disability Support Services Manage Risk

When it comes to disability support services, risk management is key. Every day, service providers are tasked with keeping their clients safe and ensuring that everyone in the community remains healthy. While there are many ways to assess and manage risk, here are three key methods. Continue reading to learn more about each method and how it can help your community stay safe. 1. Initial assessment The first step in assessing and managing risk for a person with a disability is to conduct an initial assessment. Read More